University of Bergen

The University of Bergen (UiB) is a young, modern university with a main campus in the centre of Bergen, Norway. UiB represents this project through the involvement of two groups.

The Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE) is a multidisciplinary research and competence centre with a national and international mandate on the use of data to understand learning and knowledge development. SLATE conducts research on topics such as learning analytics, data literacy, assessment for learning, and creativity, learning & technology to inform education practice and policy.

The second group is UiB’s Department of Biological Sciences (BIO) within Deep-Sea Biology, which strongly focuses on marine ecosystems. Annual research cruises led by the Center for Deep Sea Research explore the highly inaccessible deep oceans in the Arctic.

Mohammad Khalil

Mohammad Khalil

Project Leader, Senior Researcher

Jorunn Viken

Jorunn Viken

Head of Administration

Ronas Shakya

Ronas Shakya

Research Assistant

Runar Stokke

Runar Stokke


Yann Mariton

Yann Mariton


Barbara Wasson

Barbara Wasson

Professor, Director

Kamila Misiejuk (Former)

Kamila Misiejuk (Former)


Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia

CRS4 is an interdisciplinary research center, founded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia in 1990. CRS4 represents this project through the involvement of the Educational Technology (Edutech) program.
Edutech is a program of the ICT-Information Society Research Line. We study and adapt innovative systems and approaches that improve computer-human and network-human interactions to transfer them to the field of education. Our scope is to meet the growing need of schools and training centres to use technological innovation in a critical way. We monitor the evolution of new digital instruments in order to identify the methodological aspects that have a good possibility to be transferred to the teaching and learning fields.

Carole Salis

Carole Salis

Senior Researcher

Cristian Lai

Cristian Lai

Senior Researcher

Marie Florence Wilson

Marie Florence Wilson

Junior Technologist

Fabrizio Murgia

Fabrizio Murgia


University Of Technology Of Compiègne

The University Of Technology Of Compiègne (UTC) is a public higher education institution in the North of France near Paris. The UTC was established in 1972 and combines all the assets and advantages of a University with those of an engineering “Grande Ecole” (France’s top ranking engineering schools). UTC’s main missions are education, research and transfer of technology. The UTC is well integrated within the European system of higher education and it has pursued, since its creation, an ambitious international policy, interacting with society and industry by anticipating the research’s requirements of companies and by facilitating the professional insertion of its students, thanks to its educational values based on students’ autonomy and its interdisciplinary research.

Two UTC labs are involved in this project. COSTECH will study the impact of digital tools on the learning process and provide its Halle Numérique platform. HEUDIASYC will contribute to the modelling of the learning process activities and organize the capitalization of resources and data between the platforms used in the project.

Marie-Hélène Abel

Marie-Hélène Abel


Thierry Gidel

Thierry Gidel

Associate Professor

Claude Moulin

Claude Moulin

Professor Emeritus