Remote Labs in RIALHE
Exome Sequencing
Students will see live selected steps of an exome sequencing protocol and experience the rest of the steps in asynchronous mode.
Learning objective: Learn the main steps of an exome sequencing protocol.
Research activity: Molecular diagnosis of monogenic diseases is certainly the most accurate way for patient diagnosis and prognosis. DNA sequencing is the process of determining the nucleic acid sequence of a DNA fragment. Through sequencing, it is possible to map the genome, i.e. the organism’s complete set of genetic instructions. However, the gene that causes the disease is not always known. With the development of Next Generation Sequencing technologies, “NGS”, exome sequencing protocols were developed. They are based on investigating the exome, which constitutes approximately 1% of the human genome but harbors 85% of the mutations with large effects on disease-related traits.
Live session day and time: On-demand
Language: Italian/English
Instructor: Jessica Milina
Lab Researcher: Roberto Cusano, Jessica Milia
Target group: Master students level

Metagenomics based enzyme discovery
Learning objective: The course aims to give a thorough introduction to molecular microbiology
Live session day and time: Coming soon……
Language: English
Instructor: Runar Stokke
Lab Researcher: Runar Stokke
Target group: Master students level
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Learning objective: To advance UAV capabilities for autonomous operation in complex environments, both independently and in collaboration with humans and other robots
Research activity: The SyRI team at Heudiasyc focuses on developing embedded systems for UAVs to enhance their autonomous operation in complex environments. Their research includes creating advanced navigation algorithms, improving human-UAV interaction, and developing methods for efficient multi-UAV coordination.
Live session day and time:
Language: English
Instructor: CASTILLO-GARCIA Pedro
Lab Researcher: CASTILLO-GARCIA Pedro
Target group: