Barbara Wasson

Professor, Director

Barbara Wasson is the director of the Centre for The Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE), and a full Professor in the Department of Information Science & Media Studies. She works for the European Commission as an expert reviewer (2 IPs, 1 NoE, 3 STREPs, 1 H2020-ICT). Wasson has led University of Bergen participation in EU 5th & 6th framework projects Adapt-It, SEUSS, E-LEN, E-Culture Net and IDEELS and 7th framework IP SCY and NEXT-TELL. She has led several large Norwegian projects such as TRANSFORM, DoCTA and Collogatories, and iComPAss. She has been associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Support for Collaborative Learning, and on the editorial board of Technology Enhanced Learning (Sense) and the Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. She is currently associate editor of Designs for Learning and was recently a guest editor for a special issue on Learning Analytics: Trends & Challenges in Frontiers in AI. Barbara Wasson has more than 200 publications on ICT and learning. Her research experience and expertise are rich in AI, learning analytics, and virtual learning.
