RIALHE : Remote Intelligent Access to Labs in Higher Education


RIALHE introduces a pioneering pedagogical framework tailored to lab training, prioritizing student involvement in research processes. Leveraging digital tools, the project aims to improve the accessibility and quality of scientific education linked to lab experiments. Through remote online access and real-time interaction with demonstrating scientists, RIALHE enriches the learning experience. Additionally, it fosters transnational collaboration, enabling the sharing of state-of-the-art scientific labs across Europe.

RIALHE- Open day

RIALHE hosted an open day on August 28, 2024. The event provided a brief introduction to the ongoing project and also provide insights into the innovative tools and methods used within the project

Deep sea dive

RIALHE, has hosted a free live stream of an Arctic deep-sea dive in collaboration with the Centre for Deep Sea Research at the University of Bergen. You can view the webinar in the Media page.

A Journey Begins: the RIALHE Project Kicks Off in Bergen, Norway

At the kick-off meeting, the project proposal was succinctly presented, focusing on the implementation of learning analytics for both synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Management discussions covered budget, timesheet reporting, and staff coordination.

Visit to Cagliaria, Italy

The team is exploring international collaborations, developing dashboards, and creating a standardized glossary, while addressing administrative and quality management concerns. Their commitment to innovative pedagogical methods is paving the way for a future that celebrates and values research skills.

Visit to Compiegne, France

The RIALHE project team explored integration of interactive learning tools, addressed practical considerations for laboratory equipment and data collection, and delved into experimentation methodologies and data gathering techniques. Presentations and discussions underscored the project’s commitment to data-driven decision-making and collaboration towards shaping the future of education.

RIALHE introduces a pioneering pedagogical framework tailored to lab training, prioritizing student involvement in research processes. Leveraging digital tools, the project aims to improve the accessibility and quality of scientific education linked to lab experiments. Through remote online access and real-time interaction with demonstrating scientists, RIALHE enriches the learning experience.

Read more about RIALHE

Lab work constitutes a vital component of scientific education, but students often face limited access to top-tier labs. While numerous initiatives concentrate on digital learning, our distinctive RIALHE project targets lab training specifically. Prioritizing student engagement in research processes, we endeavor to narrow the disparity between theoretical instruction and practical application. Through the utilization of digital tools, we aim to augment both the accessibility and quality of scientific education, thereby fostering stronger connections between research and learning.

Read more about Remote labs

Remote Intelligent Access to Labs in Higher Education (RIALHE) is an Erasmus+ project that involves three partners, University of Bergen (UiB, leader), University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC), and Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development (CRS4).

Read more about Partners

Tools used in TIALHE project serves as an integral part of this project. Learning Analytics Dashboards serve as a digital tools within our project, gathering data from platforms like Timeline and Ubikey to track and visualize student engagement and progress.

Ubikey software enhances collaborative work through tactile tables and boards, capturing digital interactions for replay and statistical analysis. Timeline, an instructional web tool, enriches learning experiences by tagging key aspects of recorded live experiments, offering personalized navigation for both educators and students.

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